Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Late as per Usual!!!!!

Hi all!  Sorry that I disappeared off the face of the earth for a few weeks once again!!!  I have been meaning not to do that, but all I can say is I'm Sorry!  In our case that usually means good news.  My MRI results were basically unchanged.  I am back to driving - VERY CAREFULLY that is!  I am probably a road hazard these days!  I am not allowed to drive on the HWY........yet!!!!

Those pesky little platelets have come up to around 80 something now!  That's big News for us!  The plan is monthly blood work and see Dr. S for the results.  I don't know what I'll do without seeing CancerCare, as often as I have!  Don't worry.....I'm sure I will find something to do!!!!

We have had a great fall, lots of sun, mild temperatures, the wind has been crazy, especially today!  Not all the leaves have fallen yet, too windy to rake today, and I did promise Doug & kids fresh muffins for breakfast,  I must abandon this blog and get on with the day!

I may not have a paying job, but I do have a lot of things to get done!  Wish me luck, as I get distracted very easily!

One quick phone and I lost my train of thoughts!!!!  Maybe its Early Alzheimer's setting in!!!!  Any ways physically I am well,  mentally I am exhausted each day, but according to my girlfriends that is apparently Normal for Our AGE!

Thanks again for all of you who care to listen to my rants, and for all of your prayers and kind thoughts.


Karen and all