Thursday, January 27, 2011

Graduation Day!

We have had a wee bit of a hectic week with my blood work.  Had a unit of platelets on Monday but unfortunately didn't get much of a bump in my numbers and will probably be back on the weekend for more.  I have more blood tests tomorrow - maybe they are just taking too much blood?  Now I sound like those crazy old ladies that always ask after a blood test "did you leave me any blood?".  Yesterday and today I also had 2 units of packed cells (one each day) as my hemoglobin hit 78.  I actually do have some colour back in my face and feel better.  Thank you all you generous blood donors out there - it truly is the Gift of Life!

There is some good news in my labs - I did get a slight rise in my white blood cells (germ fighters) and my monocytes - they are still no where near normal but apparently they are the first to rise so my good doctor tells me!.  I'm still the "girl in the bubble".  I need to wear a mask in public, limit visitors and avoid anyone who is sick.  I know lots of you want to visit but you need to wait until I get the OK from my doctor.  He thinks things are about to turn the corner - how I pray that he is right.  He is a very smart man and I trust him.

Tomorrow is also a big day as it is my last radiation treatment (Graduation Day!)  I'll miss going there for my daily weekday outings and visits with the staff there (not to mention with my drivers!)  I do get to bring my radiation mask home.  We plan to use it as a planter this summer.  You will all have to come over and watch the slugs and worms crawl over top of my face shaped planter!  It should be fun!  See my humour will never run away like my platelets and red blood cells.

Thank you all once again for all your prayers, kind words, thoughts and love that are being sent our way.  I am so fortunate to have such loving family and friends!


PS - I miss you all so VERY MUCH and can't wait to see you when I am out of the "bubble"

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday update

Good news at home!  Our son came home today to tell us he jumped 3 reading levels - we are so very proud of him!
I forgot last week to say that our daughter was in her school finals for the national Canspell Spelling Bee - she was one of 32 finalists from Grades 4 to 8.  Unfortunately she was eliminated on the word "preferable" (a grade 7 word apparently) but we are so very proud of her too!

After today's blood work my doctor thinks that if I lay low and stay healthy things will start to pickup by the next round of blood work on Monday....keep your fingers crossed (and toes too!)

Thanks goodness that they use # 26 needles for IV starts and butterflies for lab work.  So to my fellow nursing friends the next time the lab calls to find out what size needle you used for blood work tell them to go away!  I must be feeling better as I am beginning to RANT now....another good sign?  I hope so!

Thanks again to all my family and friends for your positive thoughts and help and prayers that keep coming our way!  I'd be lost without you!  And I can't wait to see you all once I am out of the "Bubble"

Karen and all

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 19th - update

Got my blood results today.  I'll start with the good news.  After the platelet transfusion yesterday my numbers increased to 36 from 14 - still not ready to crack open the bubbly or run with scissors but a start!

I guess unfortunately where there is good news, bad news must follow.  My white cells (germ fighters) are still running away (0.55) (normal is 4.5 to 11.0) - who can blame them  - I wanted to run from the chemo too!

I have been wearing a mask when I am out of the house.  I have quarantined myself in my room as the kids are just getting over colds.  Boy do I miss being with them!  For those of you with kids please give them extra hugs and kisses tonight.  I long for the day that I can cuddle in bed with them.  This is the hardest part of my fight - I miss them so much!

OK, to get back to something happy and funny.  I also regret never learning to "moonwalk" - as I have decided to call myself Michael Jackson.  Maybe once I am out of my so called "Bubble" I'll take dancing lesons and learn the "moonwalk"

Thanks again for all your prayers and positive thoughts.  I'd be lost without you!  Can't wait to see you all soon


January 18th - Week 5 of radiation

It has been a busy few weeks of being driven around to CancerCare. (that's pretty much all I go is back and forth to CancerCare) I am calling myself "Miss Daisy".  thanks to all of my wonderful drivers!  Just know how grateful we are!  Thanks again!

Well things were calming down in the house after 3 weeks of radiation and chemo...then I started a little sniffle!  Oh boy, that little sniffle knocked me down hard!  My platelets (those sticky things in your blood that form a blood clot) crashed and burned.  I needed a blood transfusion on the weekend.  I felt a bit better but by Monday the next blood test showed them back in my boots - this time my white cells (those infection fighters!) decided to join them too!.  I guess they don't like chemo!  Can't really blame them!  I'll be back for yet another platelet transfusion.  I was worried the first time about having a transfusion reaction.  (remember too much knowledge is not always a good thing!)  My chemo treatment that was suppose to run concurrent with the radiation cycle has stopped 2/3rds of the way through.  My radiation continues and my doctor reminds me I had a full 4 weeks of chemo - some people don't get that far.  Something to be grateful for.

I need to end this on a positive note.  My typist had it much easier this time as my handwriting has improved - unfortunately it's back to its old messy self but he can read that!  Oh yeah, the numbness in my fingers is less too!  It seems like I see/focus a bit better too!  So in the midst of the blood count issues we also had some good things happen too!  We have to be thankful for these

Thanks again for all the positive thoughts and prayers that are being sent this way.

We will keep you posted

Karen and the gang

Welcome - January 7

Hi, I am a 40 something year old wife and mom of 2 beautiful kids. On November 24th I had the pleasure of being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor.  Oh yeah, I am also a nurse so please note there may be sick medical humour in my posts - that is my way of coping with all this garbage!

I will try to keep it family friendly - my kids have picked up a few of my potty words already! (sorry teachers!)

People have been asking me what it is like?
# 1 it sucks, but it is also life.  I have always been a grab the bull by the horns, enjoy the ride kind of person.  We can't pick our path in life but we can choose how to live it.  I am choosing to live life fighting this big bad brain tumor, it is part of me.  Don't get me wrong - I don't like it.  I want it out but surgery is not an option and I could be really, really blonde if they tried!  I apologize to all my natural blonde friends who might be reading this.  Surgery could seriously result in my needing 24 hour care too!

I have had a very positive experience with CancerCare.  I cannot say enough good things about them.  They are the most caring and dedicated staff around.  I know that my fellow ER people will be shocked but they are amazing.

How am I feeling?
Pretty good, I have minimal weakness to one arm.  I have had no ill effects from the chemo and radiation other than lots of hair loss.  Thank God fo my iron clad stomach!  I now am acquiring a collection of nice hats!  My biggest complaint is having to use baby shampoo...yuck! (that's not too bad!)

I also have a really hard time getting to sleep.  Apparently people with brain tumors have a disturbed sleep-wake pattern...and boy do I ever!  Fortunately my good doctor knows the right sleeping pill Rx!

So that is what life in our house had been like this past month and a bit.....CancerCare for radiaton and chemo pills at home.  My memory is not that great so I am sorry if I forget or seem a bit foggy.  A big thanks to all the hard working people at CancerCare

Stay tuned for updates

Thanks for the support and prayers
Karen and family