Monday, September 26, 2011

New Orleans......

Well it's not sinking!  Thank goodness! Doug had a conference/meetings to attend there and I was able to tag along.

I had last been to New Orleans some 20 years ago - it was a different trip this time - much more subdued!  If you have never been there it is a fantastic city to visit, for short time!  We had a wonderful hotel, excellent food, the people are so friendly and so grateful for visitors.  With Katrina and then the economy crash they are still struggling.  At one restaraunt we overheard 2 waiters talking about how the love it when it is busy - and it was packed that night!  There are still vacant high rises/ houses and buildings with windows smashed and blown out from the hurricaine.

My highlights were, of course getting permission from CancerCare to travel, finding wonderful people to care for the kids while we were away - Thanks so much - eating great food - even if a bib was required, the hustle and bustle on every street, the music that filled the air, riding the street cars - it was like stepping back in time, and of course my favourite - getting to spend time with Doug!

Thank you once again for all you do for us.  We are so lucky and grateful for every day! 



Monday, September 19, 2011

Seasons are Changing.......

Fall has always been my favorite time of the year, I love the colours, covering my plants - to try to save them for a few more days (weeks as Doug would tell you), the cool air, and this year the fact that it has been almost 10 months since I was diagonosed - and I am still here!  I am grateful for every minute that I am alive!  I have been feeling stronger each day.

 I was at CancerCare for blood work today - some things are up, some are down - nothing too bad.  I managed to squeeze in a visit today with a friend I used to work with & the gang in ER!  I miss that place - well really the people in it!  What a great bunch!  I was reminded that I still have not made the radiation mask into a flower pot - something to hopefully do next spring.....

Sorry that I have negligent with the Blog updates over the summer - but I guess `no news is good news`

Thank you for all of your concerns, prayers and love.  If you could please include Ramsey and Michelle in those prayers I would be very grateful.`

Thanks again,
