Monday, September 19, 2011

Seasons are Changing.......

Fall has always been my favorite time of the year, I love the colours, covering my plants - to try to save them for a few more days (weeks as Doug would tell you), the cool air, and this year the fact that it has been almost 10 months since I was diagonosed - and I am still here!  I am grateful for every minute that I am alive!  I have been feeling stronger each day.

 I was at CancerCare for blood work today - some things are up, some are down - nothing too bad.  I managed to squeeze in a visit today with a friend I used to work with & the gang in ER!  I miss that place - well really the people in it!  What a great bunch!  I was reminded that I still have not made the radiation mask into a flower pot - something to hopefully do next spring.....

Sorry that I have negligent with the Blog updates over the summer - but I guess `no news is good news`

Thank you for all of your concerns, prayers and love.  If you could please include Ramsey and Michelle in those prayers I would be very grateful.`

Thanks again,
