Thursday, October 13, 2011


My Platellets that is!  I am half way to normal - watch it I know what you are thinking!  I actually have 5 weeks off from CancerCare - a mini vacation!  Whatever will I do with myself?  Oh yeah - I have piles of laundry from closing up at Bird River, cards to catch up on, apparantly "there is nothing to eat in this house", you'd think they'd give their mom a break!  I guess that I have had 10 month break in their minds.  I never realized how tired and sore a body could get until this year.  I can't complain - I am alive and I thank God for that everyday!  I try to treat everyday as my last day and enjoy it to the best of my ability!  Someone asked me once "how can you be so happy with all that is happening?" - I replied "because I am alive".  The conversation ended fast!

I must go - I promised them soup for our sore throats and baking for breakfast!

Thanks for all the support, prayers and love that we continue to receive!

I want to wish everyone a Belated Happy Thanksgiving - I know that we have a lot to be Thankful for!

Love Karen