Friday, May 6, 2011


No that's not my age.....but sometimes I feel like it!!  It's my hemogloubin!  It hasn't been above 100 since thats something to celebrate....maybe I'll take an extra iron pill to reward myself!  I don't have to go back to CancerCare till next week for more labs - I love my weekends "off"!

It has been a very busy week around the house.  On Thursday our son turned 8!  We made smiley face cookies for him to bring to school and on his birthday it was also the school Spring Musical! It was a wonderful concert and it was great to see people! We got him LEGO and he is still busy trying to find the time to finish! He was working on it this morning!  I know what he'll be doing after school!

A big thanks to my hairdresser who made a home visit - my hair is starting grow back - but it  looked like a mad scientist cut my hair!  Neurosurgeons and radiation techs are not great hairdressers! I now have a sleek buzz cut  with bangs so it can grow back nice and even!

So once again a big thank you for all those prayers that are being sent our way!


Karen and family