Saturday, July 26, 2014

Wow, it's been a long time

We haven't forgotten about keeping you up to date, we've just been busy (very busy it seems!)   So we have 3 posts coming together to get you from April to July

So April came to an end with an accountant busy at work and also trying to get 2 kids ready to leave for trips on May 1st.  We did get everything done to prepare them and Jen and I managed to get to the Father Daughter ball (our 4th year) while Kris had an evening with Uncle Garth and Auntie Shari.

I got the first one (that's Kris) off to the school to meet the bus at the very uncivilized hour of 4:30 am for a 5:00 am departure (thankfully the school is 2 minutes away).  The kids were surprisingly awake for that hour (not so much the parents!).  After the last goodbyes the bus was off to Calgary for the music festival.  After 16 hours on the bus they arrived at the festival opening show and after the show they met their billet families - Kris' family took 6 grade 5/6 boys into their home for the festival.  It was mostly singing until Saturday when they went to the Calgary Zoo in the snow! (May in Calgary, eh?)  Sunday was the big Stampede Breakfast and concert.  Their pianist was Cindy Klassen's sister and they met Cindy at chapel and Kris got a picture with her.  After the concert they boarded their bus and headed east through the night to Winnipeg.  Everyone awoke when the bus stopped, thinking they were home but it was 1:17 am and the driver was only stopping at Tim's.  When morning did really come, everyone sang Happy Birthday to Kris and shortly after they were back at the school. Kris thought it was cool to get the day off school on his birthday - needless to say he had a pretty quiet day after a great trip!  The day ended with the 3 of us going to Kris' favourite restaurant for a birthday dinner.

Back to Thursday, Dad didn't really get much sleep after getting back home, then it was time to do the drop off thing all over again, this time at the much more civilized time of 8:30 as Jen's choir headed off to Steinbach for a weekend tour.  It may not sound that exciting compared to Calgary but Steinbach was actually really fun.  They sang (of course) but also swam at Steinbach Pool, had fun with friends and put on skits (Jen's was about flies in people's soup - sounds crazy to me - she has the details and video).

Dad had a weekend without kids and actually was able to go to the office end of tax season party and out for dinner with friends, not to mention sleep in and get a few things done around the house - but I missed them too.

The rest of May involved lots of soccer, more swimming, diving (she's up to the 5 meter now), choir concerts and opening up the cottage.  Later in May we also had Kris' birthday party with his friends when I agreed to a paintball party for 10 boys......despite what you might be thinking right now, it turned out well, they all had a great time and escaped with only a few minor bruises.  Of course 2 of the players were on crutches and when the skies opened just as they were finishing, who do you think got soaked getting back to the building?

Kris and I also participated in the Physio Fit run/walk again this year - Kris ran the 10k with his friend and his Dad while I walked the 5k again.

May ended much like it started, getting up very early to get someone on a trip (3:30 am at the airport this time) but Jen will tell you more in the next post.

While she was away, someone defaced my front lawn with the spray painted question, "Who's 50?"  I don't know (or admit maybe) the answer, but Kris, Garth and Shari did take me out for a great birthday dinner that night!

That's about it for this post - stay tuned.......