Tuesday, February 8, 2011

An answer.....

Well here we go again - sitting at CancerCare and writing my blog!  The folks at Canadian Blood Services finally have some answers for good Dr. S.  I had a whack of blood work done on Friday - the results came today and I apparently have antibodies - which explains why my body has been chewing up and spitting out the platelets.  I now will get antibody matched platelets - aren't I special?!  I always knew I was a Delicate Flower!  I am having yet another platelet transfusion - my platelets were 17 this am - not really low enough for a transfusion but there was a bag with my antibodies that would expire tonight @ 2400 so he thought we should use them up!

Otherwise I am feeling not too bad - tired of CancerCare being my only outing.  Still the "masked lady" as my white blood cells are 0.24 (normal is 4.5 - 11.0).  They are slowly rising  - just not in the safe zone yet.

It is like old home week here in the chemo unit - who would think that after almost 26 years, I'd run into 3 (yes three) nursing classmates who all work in this unit at CancerCare and were all working today....too funny!

I actually get a "day off" tomorrow to stay home then we'll see on Thursday what these latest antibody matched platelets did for me.  Thanks as always to everyone for all the continuing good wishes, support, prayers and everything else you are doing for us - you have no idea how much it all means to us!

Karen et al