Monday, February 14, 2011

Feb 11 - Happy 50th Birthday BOB

I would never get away with doing that if I wasn't sick!

Well it seems to be like "Ground Hog Day" over and over at our house!  I was back at CancerCare today for more platelets (supercharged ones again!)  They were going to "expire" at 2400 hrs tonight so once again good old Dr. S didn't want to waste them!  Yesterday my platelet count was 20 - they only live for 3 days so he wanted to make sure I was charged up for the weekend!  Party time! NOT!  I still am "Bubble girl" as my white blood cells are still next to nothing.  I am very tired of wearing my scratchy masks everywhere I go!  I keep thinking my numbers should be up....I am getting kind of nasty and grumpy....I think I need a telemarketer to call so I can take my rage out on them!  Oh yeah, my scratchy masks have given me a lovely rash on my face - it burns!  Lucky Me!

I do feel a bit stronger and better today.  My nurse assured us that this happens and can take a very long time to correct itself!  But it does correct itself eventually!  I unfortunately am not a Patient Person so this is a test that I am not enjoying!  If only there were Coles Notes I could brush up on!

Once again thanks for following along this crazy journey with us!  Thanks to my family, drivers, and for the phone calls, e-mails, cards and especially prayers that are being sent this way.  Will keep you posted
