Friday, February 18, 2011

Ground Hog Day

It's been another fun week of being driven back and forth to CancerCare - my only outing.  I had 2 units of packed cells and 1 unit of platelets this week.  Today they sent me to a hematologist for a second opinion.  "That is a special blood doctor"...I feel like Mr. Rodgers teaching his new word of the week!  Very nice man but he had the pleasure of doing a bone marrow biopsy today..."not a nice procedure"  Mr. Rodgers would never do something like that.  Apparently it appears that my marrow is slowly starting to recover.  Tomorrow I get to start Neupogen injections two times a week (to stimulate white blood cell growth).  I'm sure I'll be able to do it?!?  Who did I have to do that I.M. on in nursing school - I know I chickened out!  Was that Joce or Lise?  Can't remember!  I'm sure you do!  And if I can't do it I'm sure Doug can!  Adding machine or injection - same thing right?

Last week I also managed to get a "mystery rash"  It started on my face and has spread to my entire body.  It is sometimes red and raised and very itchy.  Dr. S wasn't sure what it was but today the hematologist's nurse took one look at it and said that's a "Septra rash - are you still taking it?"  Fortunately it was stopped on Monday.  At least now I know what it is!  Once again my luck!  The "curse of the nurse"

So that has been my life lately.  This week felt like Ground Hog Dog everyday.  Just not as fun as the movie!  Today has left me a little more optimistic about the future.

Thanks again for all the prayers, support and love that have been coming our way.  Sorry for not returning all the phone calls.  This was a difficult and frightening week for me

Thanks again!
