Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 18th - Week 5 of radiation

It has been a busy few weeks of being driven around to CancerCare. (that's pretty much all I go is back and forth to CancerCare) I am calling myself "Miss Daisy".  thanks to all of my wonderful drivers!  Just know how grateful we are!  Thanks again!

Well things were calming down in the house after 3 weeks of radiation and chemo...then I started a little sniffle!  Oh boy, that little sniffle knocked me down hard!  My platelets (those sticky things in your blood that form a blood clot) crashed and burned.  I needed a blood transfusion on the weekend.  I felt a bit better but by Monday the next blood test showed them back in my boots - this time my white cells (those infection fighters!) decided to join them too!.  I guess they don't like chemo!  Can't really blame them!  I'll be back for yet another platelet transfusion.  I was worried the first time about having a transfusion reaction.  (remember too much knowledge is not always a good thing!)  My chemo treatment that was suppose to run concurrent with the radiation cycle has stopped 2/3rds of the way through.  My radiation continues and my doctor reminds me I had a full 4 weeks of chemo - some people don't get that far.  Something to be grateful for.

I need to end this on a positive note.  My typist had it much easier this time as my handwriting has improved - unfortunately it's back to its old messy self but he can read that!  Oh yeah, the numbness in my fingers is less too!  It seems like I see/focus a bit better too!  So in the midst of the blood count issues we also had some good things happen too!  We have to be thankful for these

Thanks again for all the positive thoughts and prayers that are being sent this way.

We will keep you posted

Karen and the gang