Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Welcome - January 7

Hi, I am a 40 something year old wife and mom of 2 beautiful kids. On November 24th I had the pleasure of being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor.  Oh yeah, I am also a nurse so please note there may be sick medical humour in my posts - that is my way of coping with all this garbage!

I will try to keep it family friendly - my kids have picked up a few of my potty words already! (sorry teachers!)

People have been asking me what it is like?
# 1 it sucks, but it is also life.  I have always been a grab the bull by the horns, enjoy the ride kind of person.  We can't pick our path in life but we can choose how to live it.  I am choosing to live life fighting this big bad brain tumor, it is part of me.  Don't get me wrong - I don't like it.  I want it out but surgery is not an option and I could be really, really blonde if they tried!  I apologize to all my natural blonde friends who might be reading this.  Surgery could seriously result in my needing 24 hour care too!

I have had a very positive experience with CancerCare.  I cannot say enough good things about them.  They are the most caring and dedicated staff around.  I know that my fellow ER people will be shocked but they are amazing.

How am I feeling?
Pretty good, I have minimal weakness to one arm.  I have had no ill effects from the chemo and radiation other than lots of hair loss.  Thank God fo my iron clad stomach!  I now am acquiring a collection of nice hats!  My biggest complaint is having to use baby shampoo...yuck! (that's not too bad!)

I also have a really hard time getting to sleep.  Apparently people with brain tumors have a disturbed sleep-wake pattern...and boy do I ever!  Fortunately my good doctor knows the right sleeping pill Rx!

So that is what life in our house had been like this past month and a bit.....CancerCare for radiaton and chemo pills at home.  My memory is not that great so I am sorry if I forget or seem a bit foggy.  A big thanks to all the hard working people at CancerCare

Stay tuned for updates

Thanks for the support and prayers
Karen and family