Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday update

Good news at home!  Our son came home today to tell us he jumped 3 reading levels - we are so very proud of him!
I forgot last week to say that our daughter was in her school finals for the national Canspell Spelling Bee - she was one of 32 finalists from Grades 4 to 8.  Unfortunately she was eliminated on the word "preferable" (a grade 7 word apparently) but we are so very proud of her too!

After today's blood work my doctor thinks that if I lay low and stay healthy things will start to pickup by the next round of blood work on Monday....keep your fingers crossed (and toes too!)

Thanks goodness that they use # 26 needles for IV starts and butterflies for lab work.  So to my fellow nursing friends the next time the lab calls to find out what size needle you used for blood work tell them to go away!  I must be feeling better as I am beginning to RANT now....another good sign?  I hope so!

Thanks again to all my family and friends for your positive thoughts and help and prayers that keep coming our way!  I'd be lost without you!  And I can't wait to see you all once I am out of the "Bubble"

Karen and all