Thursday, January 27, 2011

Graduation Day!

We have had a wee bit of a hectic week with my blood work.  Had a unit of platelets on Monday but unfortunately didn't get much of a bump in my numbers and will probably be back on the weekend for more.  I have more blood tests tomorrow - maybe they are just taking too much blood?  Now I sound like those crazy old ladies that always ask after a blood test "did you leave me any blood?".  Yesterday and today I also had 2 units of packed cells (one each day) as my hemoglobin hit 78.  I actually do have some colour back in my face and feel better.  Thank you all you generous blood donors out there - it truly is the Gift of Life!

There is some good news in my labs - I did get a slight rise in my white blood cells (germ fighters) and my monocytes - they are still no where near normal but apparently they are the first to rise so my good doctor tells me!.  I'm still the "girl in the bubble".  I need to wear a mask in public, limit visitors and avoid anyone who is sick.  I know lots of you want to visit but you need to wait until I get the OK from my doctor.  He thinks things are about to turn the corner - how I pray that he is right.  He is a very smart man and I trust him.

Tomorrow is also a big day as it is my last radiation treatment (Graduation Day!)  I'll miss going there for my daily weekday outings and visits with the staff there (not to mention with my drivers!)  I do get to bring my radiation mask home.  We plan to use it as a planter this summer.  You will all have to come over and watch the slugs and worms crawl over top of my face shaped planter!  It should be fun!  See my humour will never run away like my platelets and red blood cells.

Thank you all once again for all your prayers, kind words, thoughts and love that are being sent our way.  I am so fortunate to have such loving family and friends!


PS - I miss you all so VERY MUCH and can't wait to see you when I am out of the "bubble"