Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Evidently a hemogloubin of 75 is the magic number!  I need 2 units of red cells.....looking forward to the extra energy already!  Bad news is that they can't squeeze me in until next week Monday and Tuesday.  I'll be fine, a little pale, a little tried, but fine! 

I am hoping to to accompany my son's class tomorrow (weather dependant that is!)- they are going on a walk at the Legislature for Cancer.  His teacher in her spare time dresses up as Daisy Dafffodil, the mascot for the Canadian Cancer Society.  They are learning about illnesses and healthy living in their health class, thus the topic of cancer.  My daughter is very envious and thinks that she too should be able to go!  I told her that it's not all fun and games when you get to grade 4!  I'll keep up posted if I go or send poor Doug!

It is so nice to be able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful spring weather that we have been having!  Thanks again for all the prayers that have been sent our way.

Enjoy the day,
