Sunday, April 10, 2011

A very long week!

Last week was a busy one - I think I spent more time at CancerCare than I did at home.  I had my port inserted (a permanent IV-tunnelled in my chest cavity) on Monday.  It was still too bruised and sore to use last week - It is getting better so I am hoping that this week they will be able to use it.  Which would be nice as the last time I needed an IV it took 5 pokes!  I used to have really nice fat veins!  Another thing that I miss!

My blood work is holding and I don't have to go back to CanerCare till Wednesday!  Then I see the hematologist again, have more blood work done and see if he has any words of wisdom!  My Oncologist thinks that my bone marrow is slowly recovering and I just need to be patient!  We all know how hard that is for me to do!!!!

All in all I am feeling a little stronger and I do have a bit more energy.  I even baked cookies yesterday and promised the gang homemade muffins for later on today! 

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers once again!


Karen and all