Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How low can I go???

Well I spent the morning at CancerCare today. (thank you to my drivers) I had yet more blood work done.  Dr. S is away so Dr. H is covering for him.  My Hemogloubin dropped to 78 - poor Kim spent the morning trying to arrange time for a transfusion for me only to be vetoed by Dr. H - cancelled all of her hard work - as he thinks that thigs will fix themselves with time.  I do feel a little slugish today, but I aslo have not been sleeping that great a well!

The good news is that my platelets are slowly coming up on their own - today they are sitting at 23!  (normal is 140-440) This means that I have the rest of the week off and don't head back to CancerCare till next Tuesday! 

We want to wish everyone a safe and Happy Easter! 

Thanks for everything - once again!


Karen and all