Tuesday, March 1, 2011


It is official - I am mask free as my neutrophils climbed to 0.94 (normal is 1.8 to 5.4 but I was at 0.0!)  I still need to limit visitors and avoid crowds, etc, but I can have a healthy friend over for tea!

On the downside my marrow is still being a little on the lazy side and my platelets only got a little bump from Sunday's transfusion - they are now 15 (they have been undetectable in the past) so I will be needing a transfusion some time this week.

All and all this is the most exciting news we have received in a long time!

It will be a busy week full of medical appointments - I have a follow up MRI and then will see Dr. S for the results Friday.  He told us that in most cases the tumor size will remain the same or look a little larger - but he looks for signs and symptoms of improvement.

Sorry for the long gap between postings recently - we know many of you check often so we'll try not to let it happen again!

Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers - we really appreciate it!

Karen and the gang