Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sorry for the delay!

Things have been a little busy over here with the start of Spring Break.  Yesterday the kids and Doug, and my sister went swimming while I nappd and visisted with my mom!  We have company in today - so what I am saying is don't worry if it takes me a long time to post another entry or to return a phone call.  It just means that we are busy and hopefully having some fun! 

On the blood work side of things I have not had a platlett transfusion since last Friday and today they are sitting at 45!  Best that they have been in a long time.  My hemoglobin is 93!  My WBC's are so good that the hematologist stopped the neupogen!  Murphy's Law - I just renewed the prescription!

So the plan for this week is to recheck my bloodwork prior to the weekend and possibly get a transfusion of some sort as I am scheduled for a porta-cath insertion next week.  Wish me well!

Have a safe Spring Break and hopefully you can find some time to have some fun with the kids.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers,

Love ,
